hi, i also have really curly hair and difficult to make a hairstyle, there are two options, never have a determined line (not right not left) but always change it like pulling your hair back woith your hand, and then the hair will go in its position, (hard to explain)
second option is to softly pull back the hair and fix it with something (hairband, clip etc) don't pressure it.
XD I'm 13 and i have thick curly hair and i wanna know what hair styles can i use with out straiting it?
you can get it thinned out every few months, and if you cut one or two sets of layers at the tips that will give it more shape so it doesnt poof out to much (so you dont get the bell or pyramid effect lol)
also, use shampoo at the scalp and a lot of condition at the tips
when you get out of the shower put in some curl enhancing mousse and let air dry
Get it thinned out then you can do ANYTHING! Like this:
Or this is my fav!!:
Heres a cute one for everyday!
i have the same problem... but i straightened my hair couple of times... no damage to my hair.. but after couple of straightening.. my hair started to become wavy .. now i style it the way i want.....hope this helps!
you could put it up in a bun, or tame the curls by hot curling them and put a headband in.
-if you want it thinnened go to the hairdressers and ask
-wash then blow dry it to get it straight
Try putting it into a french plait or a basic plait????
head bands are the way to go.
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