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delliasI am 12 in 7th Grade With a dress code and want to know cute hair styles, accessories and fashion tips!!!?
uummm ....I am 12 in 7th Grade With a dress code and want to know cute hair styles, accessories and fashion tips!!!?
accesories-go to thrif shops to get cute,unique jewelry
hair-straighten it, or curl it to make waves.
get a bob thats short in bakc, longer in front
fashion tips-be unique, wear stylish clothes with your own twist to them!
have fun ShoPPinG!
goodluck with 7th grade(its not that bad!lol)
im in 8th grade.
for accessories try claires or icing
claires is awesome. search at (its what i do) for cute styles, then diy with claires stuff. gud luck
dont wear a skirt the first day unless u want the girls to think ur a s.lut
Well for hair i'd go with a bob,because they're so popular right now but they're every clean looking.if you have to dress by a fashion code i'd suggest smaller earrings,you don't want to look like a hoochie or anything.Overall,keep it smiple but very chic.
ok well first of all your a little young so i say you go with a simple layered hair cut.
as for dressing it depends on the colors
but if its polos and stuff i suggest you shop at american eagle, hollister, and abercombie and fitch, you will look amazing
just make sure your outfits match.
and make sure you accesorize really well, like for example if your going to wear a pink belt, then wear pink ballet flats and maybe a pink headband as well.
beads are also something that makes outfits look great.
follow my tips and you will look outstanding and glamourous
if you have anymore questions contact me =]
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