Friday, February 10, 2012

What are some cute hair styles i can do in the morning with like an hour? NOTHING FANCY!?

Here is a picture of a cute and easy hairstyle from,>

The instructions:

1. Part hair to one side

2. Segregate at least and inch thick of hair on the parted side.

3. Put the rest of the hair up into a simple bun in the back. and tie it with an accessory (flower) to make it look elegant.

4. Curl the hair left remainging in the front of the face-like in the picture.What are some cute hair styles i can do in the morning with like an hour? NOTHING FANCY!?
straghten ur hairWhat are some cute hair styles i can do in the morning with like an hour? NOTHING FANCY!?
Ponytail is in!
if you have layered hair try the surf hair>

or the bump in your hair>

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